General Construction
The Elan, Sydney
CONSULTANT: Diagnostech
BUILDER: Biltbeta
At 136 meters, 40 stories, The Elan is one of the tallest residential apartment blocks in Sydney. The building is also situated in the highest part of Kings Cross, 45 meters above sea level. Built in 1997, there are 18,200 cubic meters of concrete and 2,550 tonnes of reinforcing steel in The Elan.
20 years after it was built, The Elan required a complete façade overhaul that included crack and joint repairs, she-blot repairs, spalling concrete, render repair, concrete crack injection, balustrade post repairs and façade coating systems. Furthermore, several balconies required re-waterproofing. ARDEX Australia in conjunction with the consultant specified a wholistic solution that included a complete, fully warrantable SystemARDEX approach. Works commenced in May 2016 and are expected to be completed early 2018. The size of the building makes it one of the largest façade restoration projects currently in Sydney.
Before work on the façade coating could start, concrete repairs were essential on parts of the building. Spalling concrete and she-bolt hole repairs were rectified with ARDEX BR 345 MICROTEC® Fibre-Reinforced, High Resistivity, Polymer-Modified, Structural Concrete Patching and Repair Mortar and ARDEX BR 120 FC Polymer-Modified, Fibre-Reinforced Fairing Coat.
Areas that were affected by cracks in concrete were reinstated by using ARDEX RA 88 Multi-Purpose Epoxy Repair Adhesive to adhere ARDEX T-Ports, a unique pressure injection port system, before injecting ARDEX RA 142 Super Low Viscosity Structural Concrete Crack Injection Epoxy for hairline cracks and ARDEX RA 144 Low Viscosity Structural Concrete Crack Injection Epoxy for cracks that were wider than 1mm. For render repairs, ARDEX WR Prime Performance Enhancing Polymer Primer & Additive was used in conjunction with ARDEX WR 100 General Purpose Acrylic Render.
There was a large number of joints that needed to be repaired and re-sealed. Throughout the project, a range of ARDEX sealants were used including ARDEX CA 20 P Multipurpose Construction Adhesive and Sealant, ARDEX RA 030 One Component, Moisture-Curing Expansion Joint Sealant and ARDEX RA 040 Polyurethane Joint Sealant.
The specified façade coating system included the use of two coats of ARDEX WPM 300, a two-component water based epoxy polyamide membrane/barrier coating, followed by two coats of ARDEX WPM 330 External Anti-Carbonation Façade Membrane.
Unique Elements
Due to the size of the structure, there was a significant amount of product required to coat the façade. In total, there are approximately 35,000 litres of WPM 300 and an additional 35,000 litres of WPM 330 that were used for the façade coating system.
Dennis Stephenson, Managing Director of Diagnostech Pty Ltd provided the following comment: “We selected ARDEX at the design stage because ARDEX were really the only supplier who offered the full system warranty. The project required compatibility between all products including sealants, render repairs, concrete repairs and coatings. This ultimately provided a level of comfort to the client, knowing that this full system compatibility had been considered and agreed between Consultant, Supplier and Contractor.
We also appreciated the fact that ARDEX were willing to assist Diagnostech with ongoing quality control inspections as the works progressed. This has certainly contributed to what has been a very successful façade refurbishment project.”
Products Specified for this project
High Resistivity Structural Concrete Patching and Repair Mortar
- High resistivity (>15,000 cm)
- Contains active corrosion inhibitor
Multi-Purpose Epoxy Repair Adhesive
- Non-sag - Perfect for overhead and vertical repairs
- High strength - Stronger than concrete > 55Mpa
ARDEX Injection T-Port
Injection Ports for ARDEX Crack Injection Range
Super Low Viscosity Structural Concrete Crack Injection Epoxy
- Very thin liquid for superior crack penetration
- Epoxy resin binder for epoxy mortar patching and overlay of interior surface using addition of aggregate
Low Viscosity Structural Concrete Crack Injection Epoxy
- Pressure injection and gravity feed structural crack repair in horizontal concrete, masonry for cracks from 3mm to 6mm
- Epoxy resin binder for epoxy mortar patching and overlay of interior surface using addition of aggregate
Polymer Primer & Additive
- Improves surface strength and adhesion of ARDEX cement based renders
- Ideal as a primer and additive for most ARDEX cement based construction products
General Purpose Acrylic Render
- Easy to use with superior non-slump and creamy consistency
- Produces a build-up from 2-10mm with a fine finish, with no sagging or cracking
Multipurpose Construction Adhesive and Sealant
- Can be used underwater, ideal for minor repair applications
- Extremely versatile - bonds a wide range of materials including metal, glass, wood, ceramics and plastic
One Component, Moisture-Curing Expansion Joint Sealant
- No bubble formation or foaming during installation on damp surfaces
- Excellent primerless adhesion to most substrates
One Component, Polyurethane Based Joint Sealant
- Excellent primerless adhesion to most substrates
- Excellent weathering and UV stability
Water-Based Epoxy
- Compliant to AS/NZS4020 - Potable Drinking Water
- Compatible with damp surfaces and green concrete
ARDEX WPM 330 (Facade)
External Anti-Carbonation Protection Coating
- Resists fungi and algae growth
- Vapour permeable (allows facade substrate to breath)
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