Technical Bulletins
Tiling Systems
Tiling Systems

Technical Bulletins - Tiling Systems
ARDEX is committed to being the leading provider of technical support in the field. We believe our responsibility does not end with the manufacture of innovative, specialist solutions. Hence our technical advisers work with contractors and the ARDEX R&D team to provide solutions for specific applications.
Below is a sample of the bulletins available. Contact us for the detailed bulletin or help with anything out of the ordinary, if we don’t already have the answer we will certainly investigate. Call: 1800 224 070.
Downloads Tiling Systems
Installation of Large Format Ceramic & Heavy Stone Tiles [TB001]
The purpose of this technical bulletin is to raise awareness concerning the trend towards the use of Large Format Ceramic and/or Heavy Stone tiles (excluding thin sheet porcelain tiles) so that appropriate tile design, selection and application can take place with all factors taken into consideration.
Installation of Cultured Stone [TB002]
In conjunction with this document reference should also be made to the Ardex Technical Bulletin covering the installation of large format tiles (ARDEX Technical Bulletin TB001).
Fixing of Moisture and Thermally Sensitive Natural Stone [TB010]
Thin layer natural stone (and also man-made versions) tile finishes are becoming more popular and are used in many varying situations under a variety of climatic conditions within residential and commercial constructions.
ARDEX STS 8 W (white) and ARDEX RA 88 in the pool underwater repairs to ceramic tiling [TB042]
In the 1970’s Royal Navy divers carried out repairs to the damaged floor tiling in Eastney Baths at Portsmouth using the original ARDEX GmbH ARDURIT X7. With improvements in technology, ARDEX updated and improved the product, releasing a successor named ARDEX STS8 during 2004.
Application tricks with ARDEX EG15 Epoxy Grout [TB048]
The purpose of this bulletin is to alert you to the causes of complaints from tilers that are using ARDEX Abapoxy grout and to offer suggestions, solutions and explanations to observed problems.
Installation of Self Supporting Sand/Cement Screeds for the Installation of Ceramic Tiling [TB057]
There are many situations where the use of a self-supporting (unbonded) screed is required to support new tiling installations. These include traditional mesh reinforced sand & cement screeds or the engineered ARDEX A38 / A48 Rapid Set screed. This Bulletin describes the process of installation of a self-supporting unbonded screed.
Concrete Surface Preparation for Flooring, Membranes & Adhesives [TB058]
The surface preparation of concrete prior to the application of flooring compounds, screeds, membranes or adhesives is critical in achieving a quality application.
Bonding of “Quarella” Reconstituted Tiles [TB070]
The Quarella tiles are a large format, reconstituted stone tile bonded with an epoxy resin inder. The tile dimension is 600mm x 300mm x 12mm and sometimes, problems with dimensional stability can occur with these types of large format reconstituted tiles. Ardex Australia Pty Ltd has carried out testing to determine a suitable adhesive with which a bond can be achieved without resulting in serious dimensional variations.
Waterproofing & Tiling External Compressed Fibre Cement Sheeted Balconies [TB071]
Ardex Australia Pty Ltd have prepared guidelines covering the waterproofing and installation of a ceramic tile surface finish over CFC sheeting on external balconies. The waterproof membrane has the required flexibility to accommodate the anticipated movement in the balcony structure and incorporates required bond breakers and membrane reinforcement across the joints. The bonding and finishing of the ceramic tile surface incorporates adhesives and grouts that also produce a flexible bond while providing the required service performance.
Application of Butynol & Direct Bonding of Tiles [TB077]
In both new construction and, particularly in the growing restoration market, there is an increasing need for the installation of a thin film membrane to which ceramic or other types of tile can be directly fixed. This need arises from the lack of available height between the level to be treated and the adjacent surfaces.
Bonding Tiles over H.K. Epoxy Membranes Using ARDEX Ceramic Tile Adhesives [TB091]
H.K. Epoxy Seal Pty Ltd manufacture and distribute flexible epoxy waterproofing membranes which are used in the waterproofing of internal wet areas. Ardex Australia Pty Ltd have carried out adhesion testing using selected Ardex ceramic tile adhesives applied over the H.K. Epoxy Seal membranes to determine their suitability in accordance with International Standard ISO13007 (which supercedes AS4992).
The effect of ambient conditions on the performance of Tile Adhesives, Grouts, Flooring Cements and Liquid Applied Membranes [TB097]
This Technical Bulletin outlines some weather related product issues that have been the subject of inquiries to Ardex’s Technical Services, but also observations by Ardex’s Research & Development Department. These concerns will be looked at, and solutions provided to assist in obtaining optimal product performance.
Tiling Adhesives for use Adjacent to Fireplaces [TB111]
The National Construction Code Series (nominally called the Building Code of Australia BCA) in section (2012 issue) require that fireplaces are installed in accordance with AS/NZS 2918. This means they have a non-combustible and fire retarded hearth with a minimum width around 400mm from the fire box or grate and 150mm from the sides and back.
Pebblecrete and Marnlesheen [TB112]
A common question ARDEX Technical Services receives concerns the application of levelling compounds, waterproofing membranes and ceramic tile adhesives over ‘Pebblecrete’ and also the faux marble finish render that is used in swimming pools. In this bulletin we shall briefly discuss the surface preparation required and why it isn’t acceptable to apply materials over these finishes.
Tiling over Polyester – Fibreglass & other Polymer Surfaces [TB114]
Situations arise where a customer may want to tile over rigid surfaces made of polyester resin, phenol or urea-formaldehyde (melamine, Laminex® , Formica® etc.), acrylic or Lexan® sheeting or similar surfaces. The most common cases are polyester or acrylic shower bases, pool copings and existing bench tops. The adhesion of tile adhesives on these surfaces is problematic, and in this bulletin we shall briefly look at this application.
Application of Ceramic Tiles over Vinyl & Cork floors [TB115]
When remodelling a building, most commonly residential or office kitchen areas, the question will arise about applying suitable adhesives for laying ceramic tiles directly over vinyl or cork tiles. Whilst this is technically feasible to do with several Ardex adhesives, there are a number of considerations that need to be looked before attempting this application. In this bulletin we will discuss the procedures that are necessary to achieve a long lasting installation.
Application of Tiles over Pre-existing Tiles [TB117]
In internal applications it is possible to apply ceramic tiles over existing or in-situ tile finishes and Ardex recommends a number of adhesive tile systems that allow this application to be done. This bulletin discusses some of the issues with this method of laying tiles that will assist in achieving a satisfactory result.
Tiling over previously Painted Surfaces [TB118]
A common situation encountered when doing renovations is the temptation to apply ceramic tiles over previously painted surfaces. Whilst some Ardex adhesives will generally adhere to painted surfaces, the installer needs to consider that this is not an ideal substrate for tiles to be applied to and it is best to remove it.
Why Premixed Adhesives are not recommended over Waterproofing Membranes [TB120]
A commonly asked question is can we use premixed adhesives with the waterproof membrane? Assuming that the membrane is in fact capable of taking an adhesive and bonding successfully, the choice of tile adhesives is restricted to cement based materials. Premixed and mastics are not suitable for use with membranes and this bulletin explains the issues.
Laying Porcelain Tiles [TB129]
Correct installation of porcelain tiles requires a few specialised techniques to ensure that a good quality installation results and this bulletin gives some guidance to achieve this.
Sources of Grout Discolouration Real and Perceived [TB130]
One of the most common complaints that TSD receives is discoloured and patchy cementitious grout. The response of the complainant is nearly always that our grout is faulty, but this simplistic assertion ignores the fact that we have a Quality Control regime which is intended to pick up this type of issue. When we receive the dry grout powder to test, we always find that it mixes normally and dries to a consistent colour. Therefore with the exception of a few unusual circumstances, the problem is related to something which has happened on site. There can be a number of causes of this phenomena and this bulletin will look at the issues involved.
Application of Ardex Optima & X56 to Metal Surfaces for Tiling [TB133]
In some situations tiling may be done over metal surfaces. Examples of this are ship decks, metal fittings on wall cappings or stair treads and in this bulletin we will look at the issues involved in this application.
Application of Ceramic Tiles to Stair Treads & Landing Treads – Timber and Metal [TB136]
In order to match to the surrounding floor spaces, provide a hard covering, or to create a new appearance, ceramic tiles are being installed onto staircase treads. These staircases can be masonry, timber or even metal and whilst traditional masonry stairs are no different to a concrete subfloor in terms of application, timber and metal substrates create a series of challenges for the tile adhesive and grouts. In this bulletin we will examine some of those challenges and look at possible solutions to the problems of tiling onto stair treads.
Water Chemistry for Cement Based Adhesives & Grouts in Tiled Swimming Pools [TB143]
The purpose of this bulletin is to provide an initial understanding the effect of some of the chemicals used in swimming pool water have on cement based adhesives and grouts used with ceramic tile finishes. The traditional chemicals of concern are the Calcium based and the Sulphate based compounds that affect the mineralogy of the tile grouts and adhesives.
Issues with Fixing Schistose and Layered Stacked Stone Tiles [TB144]
The subject of this bulletin is cladding tiles made from rocks known as Schists.
Installation of Ardex DS40 Sound Reduction Matting in Internal Installations [TB147]
There is a statuary (Construction Code of Australia) requirement in both new builds and restoration construction for the installation of soundproofing in domestic residences upper floors. The ARDEX DS40 mat system allows the economic rapid installation of a proven sound reduction de-coupling system in both wet and dry areas within the residence. This bulletin provides a step by step process of the installation for the two principal areas within a domestic residence.
Mechanical fixing of Stack Stone Cladding Tiles to Wall Substrates [TB148]
Technical Bulletin TB001 “Installation of Large Format and Heavy Stone Tiles” discusses the concerns associated with fixing heavy cladding tiles to wall substrates using adhesives only. The main issue is the capability of the wall substrate to support the weight of the tile finish and any associated applied surface preparation material (e.g. cement render).
National Construction Code (The Building Code of Australia) [TB153]
This bulletin introduces the different classes of building and briefly attempts to explain the importance of the NCC.
Tiling to AAC (Hebel) Concrete Substrates [TB154]
Aerated Autoclaved Concrete (AAC) is more commonly known by the trade names CSR Hebel® or YTong (and various other Sino imported products).This lightweight concrete has some different properties compared to a conventional concrete and this bulletin outlines the procedures to use when applying tile finishes with or without a waterproofing system.
Issues with Resin Backed Tiles [TB161]
This bulletin discusses how poorer quality stone is reinforced using hard plastic resins, with or without a reinforcing mesh embedded in the resin
Ceramic Tiling with Optima, Isoflex and X56 on Particleboard / Plywood Sheet Timber Flooring [TB168]
The key to success, when installing ARDEX tiling adhesive products is to achieve a good bond between the sheet timber substrate (i.e. particleboard) and the floor covering. Proper preparation of the surface is the most important factor in achieving this bond.
Tiling with Underfloor Heating Systems [TB176]
The purpose of this Technical Bulletin is to provide guidance on suitable product selection and methodology that would typically be employed to enable the application of heating cables above concrete, compressed fibre cement and timber floors prior to tiling.
Solvent Grout Sealers and Rubberised Tile Adhesives [TB179]
This technical bulletin discusses an effect that has been observed where solvent based sealers have been applied onto grout which overlies rubber modified tile adhesives (using black rubber crumb).
Cleaning/Maintenance of ARDEX Grouts [TB186]
ARDEX grout surfaces do not require special maintenance beyond normal cleaning and sensible housekeeping. However, for the highly industrial and special applications, a more stringent maintenance regime may be employed through frequent cleaning. This technical bulletin outlines the general cleaning maintenance guide in establishing such cleaning regimes.
Pool Coping and Water Line Tiling – Fibreglass and Concrete Swimming Pools [TB198]
A typical construction method for swimming pools is to install a pre-formed fibreglass liner into the ground, usually with a concrete surface or Compressed Fibre-Cement (CFC) sheet surround deck. This liner has a visible horizontal top edge around 100-150mm wide where the coping tiles are to be laid. It is a common request made to Ardex to supply an adhesive that will bond a coping tile to the top edge of the pool, and often the inquirer wants to span the joint between the liner and the surround. In this bulletin we will examine why such a course of action is not a sound practice, and some suggested ways to install tiles or ‘pavers’ in this situation. We will also briefly look at bonding waterline tiles within the pool as well.
Vitreous Porcelain Tiles [TB201]
The properties of a tile’s surface, controls the ability of the adhesive to form a bond to its rear face. These differences are one of the controlling factors that determines the properties and types of tile adhesive recommended for the installation. Recent trends in porcelain tile manufacture, have seen a move towards faster firing times, and also higher firing temperatures. This has apparently altered the tiles and as a result, changes are required in how these tiles are used. In this bulletin we will examine some features of highly vitrified tiles and the types of adhesives required to bond them.
Ceramic Tiling Fibre-Cement Sheeted Timber Flooring [TB218]
A common industry practice has been to cover timber floor substrates with fibre cement sheet underlays prior to adhesive fixing of ceramic tile finishes. The key to success when installing ARDEX tiling adhesive products on a flexible surface like ‘timber’; is to achieve a good bond between the substrate and the flooring cover, but also to minimise the vertical movement that occurs between the floor joists.
An Opinion Concerning the Use of Sealers and Ardex Adhesives and the Difference between Sealers and Waterproofing Materials [TB222]
Ardex has had a number of inquiries concerning the use of tile sealers and in particular six sided sealing of stone tiles before installation. The following discussion gives Ardex’s opinion and attitude to the use of sealers and whether they are applicable to be used with Ardex tile adhesives.
Quick Checks for Natural Stone Tiles – Dead Loads and Environmental Stability [TB223]
When natural stone tiles are recommended for an installation, commonly the properties of the tiles are not fully considered. Two of these properties, are moisture sensitivity (marking and deformation) and tile dead load on a square metre basis. These topics have separate detailed Technical Bulletins to explain various aspects (Ardex Technical Bulletins TB001, 010 and 148), but this bulletin gives some basic tools that can be used to check these properties.
Fixing Thin and Large Format Sheet Porcelain Tiles [TB224]
Since approximately 2006, several ranges of very large format, wafer thin porcelain tiles have come onto the market. They originated in Italy, and these tiles are manufactured on specialised machines which have since been exported to other areas. This bulletin discusses some of the installation issues with these tiles and also recommendations for adhesive systems.
Effects of Alkaline Containing Materials on Glass Mesh Back Tiles [TB228]
This bulletin looks at the potential for decomposition of the glass due to alkaline attack from lime in the adhesive, and subsequent problems with the tile bond due to changes and decomposition of the backing, and resistance to damage because of loss of mechanical re-inforcement.
Tile Finishes – Flood Water Immersion [TB229]
Since the recent flood episodes throughout much of Eastern Australia, the questions being asked of the building industry include queries regarding the effect the flood water would have had over wall and floor tile finishes, particularly those in residential dwellings. The short answer is “it depends”. This paper is an attempt to raise awareness of the factors involved regarding typical tile installations.
Concrete Block Walls – Tile Finishes [TB230]
The building industry is calling for the adhesive fixing of tiles to the surfaces of these blocks against published advice such as provided by AS3958, which directs the concrete block walls be rendered prior to adhesive fixing the tiles. By eliminating the render, there are considerable cost and time savings benefits so why render?
Applications for ARDEX E 90 Improver and Abalastic with ARDEX Ceramic Tile Adhesives [TB231]
The Ardex tile adhesives can be used in a wide range of situations as one part materials, but for some situations Ardex recommends that an additive liquid is used to improve the cement properties. Examples of these situations include high stress or load environments, external applications or immersion and flexible substrates.
Application of Tiling Materials and Waterproof Membranes to Resin Matric Shower Bases [TB238]
The historical method for creating a shower base with falls is to lay a sand-cement screed with a slope of between 1:60 and 1:80 to waste. This base is then waterproofed and tiled to create the finished shower enclosure. Recent work by ARDEX has shown that there are systems that can be used to tile these bases and this bulletin discusses the issue and systems.
Topping & Screed Systems [TB244]
Topping screeds are a necessary part of the construction process as a mechanism to remove variations in the heights of floors, to create falls to drainage systems and to provide flat /planar surfaces for the selected floor finishes.
Patching and Rendering of Concrete, Concrete Blockwork & Bricks, Before Tiling or Façade Finish Waterproofing [TB249]
This bulletin discusses the application of ARDEX renders and repair mortars, along with appropriate membranes for tiling, and also feature finish waterproofing materials applied to facades.
Injection of Crack Repair Resin Under Drummy Tiles [TB252]
In this bulletin we will examine different options using the ARDEX and also Dunlop branded crack injection resins.
Adhesive Consideration for Unstable Stone And Composite Tiles [TB253]
When considering the types of adhesives for bonding sensitive tiles, as described in Technical Bulletin TB010, there are a range of underlying issues and this bulletin highlights the points.