Technical Bulletins
Waterproofing Systems
Waterproofing Systems

Technical Bulletins - Waterproofing Systems
ARDEX is committed to being the leading provider of technical support in the field. We believe our responsibility does not end with the manufacture of innovative, specialist solutions. Hence our technical advisers work with contractors and the ARDEX R&D team to provide solutions for specific applications.
Below is a sample of the bulletins available. Contact us for the detailed bulletin or help with anything out of the ordinary, if we don’t already have the answer we will certainly investigate. Call: 1800 224 070.
Downloads Waterproofing Systems
Concrete Surface Preparation for Flooring, Membranes and Adhesives [TB058]
The surface preparation of concrete prior to the application of floor levelling compounds, screeds, membranes or adhesives is critical in achieving a quality application.
Misconceptions about Membrane Flexibilities [TB073]
There is a wide misconception regarding the elongation properties of waterproof membranes and their ability to bridge cracks that form post membrane application. This bulletin endeavours to clarify the real meaning of elongation and elasticity in relation to bridging properties.
Installation of Butynol Membrane and the Direct Bonding of Tiles [TB077]
This Bulletin details the basic process of installation of the ARDEX Butynol sheet membrane, however the ARDEX Product Data Sheet for ARDEX Butynol should be referenced for full details of the installation, particularly in relation to detailing all intrusions and protrusions contained within the surface to be treated.
Treatment of Swimming Pool Internals [TB088]
This Information Sheet is designed to detail the treatments necessary for the surface preparation and application of a waterproof membrane finish to a newly constructed concrete swimming pool prior to the application of a tiled finish.
The effect of ambient conditions on the performance of Tile Adhesives, Grouts, Flooring Cements and Liquid Applied Membranes [TB097]
This Technical Bulletin outlines some weather related product issues that have been the subject of inquiries to Ardex’s Technical Services, but also observations by Ardex’s Research & Development Department. These concerns will be looked at, and solutions provided to assist in obtaining optimal product performance.
Not all Waterproofing Membranes are made the same [TB113]
In this bulletin we will have a general overview of membrane types and general recommendations for tile adhesives.
Waterproofing of Internal Water Resistant Particleboards and Plywood [TB119]
A commonly received inquiry to Ardex Technical Services involves the application of a waterproof membrane system suitable for tiling in these situations. In this bulletin we will look at some systems that could be used in these cases.
Application of Membranes over Existing Tiles in Internal Wet Areas [TB122]
In some situations installers may not want to remove a tile bed to re-instate a waterproof membrane. In this case the installer will wish to apply a new membrane over the old tiles prior to laying the new tile bed. Whilst technically feasible there are a number of issues that need to be considered before carrying out this procedure and the following bulletin briefly examines them.
Preparation for Compressed Fibre Cement Sheet [TB123]
Compressed Fibre-Cement Sheet is a common and durable flooring material used for decks, verandahs and internal floors. It is particularly effective when used in wet-area floors such as bathrooms and showers. In this bulletin we will look at the surface preparation required to obtain a good bond for ceramic tile adhesives and membranes.
Oil Contaminated Surfaces [TB139]
By combining appropriate surface preparation and the timely use of ARDEX HydrEpoxy, these surfaces can be reinstated to accommodate a wide variety of architectural finishes. This bulletin outlines the procedure for preparing grease and oil-contaminated surfaces in readiness for the installation of most other adhesives, coatings, and surface finishes.
Treatment and Tiling Over Existing Tiles of Swimming Pool Internals [TB181]
This information sheet is designed to detail the necessary surface preparation procedures for the application of a waterproof membrane to an existing tiled swimming pool prior to re-tiling.
Maintenance Recommendations for Liquid Applied Membranes [TB208]
This document supplies recommended items and time intervals that shall be adhered to for the ongoing maintenance and performance of a roof or other area that has been coated with a liquid applied membrane as the final finished surface. The adherence to these procedures will ensure the continued coverage of the warranty during the nominated period.
Guide to Maintenance Procedures for ARDEX Butynol and WeldTEC Membranes [TB213]
This document outlines recommended procedures and time intervals for the ongoing maintenance and performance of roof or other areas that have had an ARDEX Butynol® or Weldtec sheet membrane (ARDEX WPM 712 and ARDEX WPM 715) as the final finished surface. Following these procedures will ensure the continued coverage of the warranty during the nominated period.
Tiling and Waterproofing over James Hardie Scyon Secura Flooring Sheets [TB215]
The following document details the recommended systems for waterproofing and tiling in an internal wet area and external balcony floor applications (where a habitable space is below), and also non-waterproofed tiled applications using the correct James Hardie Scyon™ Secura™ flooring product. It replaces Ardex Technical Bulletin TB193, all versions.
Guide for Reinstatement Procedures for Ardex Undertile Membranes [TB225]
The purpose of this bulletin is to outline the procedures recommended by Ardex Australia Pty Ltd for the reinstatement of Ardex liquid undertile waterproofing membranes which have been damaged.
ARDEX Construction Detail Bandage [TB226]
This bulletin details the procedure to follow for installation of “Ardex Construction Detail Bandage” in conjunction with Ardex WPM001, 002, 155R and 908 membranes over expansion and construction joints externally.
Bonding Ceramic Tiles to Wet Seal Waterproofing Membrane Systems [TB227]
ARDEX Australia Pty Ltd has carried out extensive testing to determine the effectiveness of a number of ceramic tile adhesives when applied over the different types of ‘Wet-seal’ waterproofing membrane systems.
Screeds & Waterproofing Membranes [TB243]
This bulletin is a brief introduction to membranes to be used with either bonded or unbonded toppings and should be read in conjunction with TB244 Screed System.
Butynol Rubber Membrane On Concrete Roofs [TB245]
Inquiries regarding the installation of Ardex Butynol Rubber Sheet Membrane over concrete roof slabs have included a number of frequently asked questions that are addressed in this bulletin.
Maintenance Procedures for Exposed Bituminous Sheet Membranes [TB247]
The long successful history of bituminous sheet membranes installations as roofing membranes has led to these membrane systems being taken for granted with little or no maintenance regime to ensure the longevity and water tightness of the membrane system. This document provides guidelines of a maintenance procedure for these membranes that may relate to the warranty period.
Considerations Around Waterproofing and Tiling Over Existing Tiled Surfaces - Externally [TB251]
A quite common inquiry concerns the application of a waterproof membrane and normally new tiles, over an existing tiled surface, normally with its own membrane and possibly screed as well.
Weather and Related Site Effects on Liquid Membranes [TB257]
In this bulletin we will examine some of the issues that can arise from not following the recommended installation conditions, and have in the past resulted in difficulties and failures.
Reinforcement Matting for Waterproof Membranes [TB258]
When installing waterproof membranes, there is use of matting for re-inforcement at places such as joints and turn ups. There a number of different types of these materials, and this bulletin concerns the use of fibreglass matting vs Deckweb.
Flood Testing of ARDEX Waterproofing Membranes [TB266]
The integrity of ARDEX waterproofing membranes is often tested insitu (once installed) to determine ‘water fastness’ prior to commissioning for intended use. The testing is described as ‘Flood Testing’ and is performed once the membrane has cured sufficiently to allow tanking of the waterproofed area.
Chemical Resistance of ARDEX WPM 822, WPM 823 and WPM 813
ARDEX supplies a range of urethanes that can be used in systems to create a waterproof and trafficable coating. This bulletin specifically deals with the chemical resistance of three of these products, namely the ARDEX WPM 822, WPM 823 and WPM 813.